Database of Personal Interaction in the Kamigata Literary Circle from the Middle to the Late Edo Period

Project Leader

Iikura Yōichi (Osaka University)

Project Member

Morita Teiko (Kyoto Sangyo University)

Katō Yumie (Nagoya City University)

Yamamoto Yoshitaka (National Institute of Japanese Literature)

Database Administrator

Leo Born (Heidelberg University)


(飯倉洋一編集『近世中後期上方文壇における人的交流と文芸生成の〈場〉』2017-2021科学研究費補助金基盤研究〈B〉〈JSPS 17H02310〉研究成果報告書、2022年)

Reference and Related Pages

飯倉洋一「人的交流と文芸生成の〈場〉―研究報告概要―」(飯倉洋一編集『近世中後期上方文壇における人的交流と文芸生成の〈場〉』2017-2021科学研究費補助金基盤研究〈B〉〈JSPS 17H02310〉研究成果報告書、2022年)


妙法院史研究会校訂『妙法院日次記』, up to vol. 22, published by Zoku-gunsho-ruijū Kanseikai, vol. 23-25, published by Yagi Shoten

蘆庵文庫研究会編『研究叢書486 小沢蘆庵自筆 六帖詠藻 本文と研究』和泉書院、2017年


This project aims to reveal human exchange networks in the Kamigata literary circles in the mid-to-late Tokugawa period.

In this study, we focus on two sets of records: The entries in Myōhōin Hinamiki, the long-term record of Myōhōin Temple of the Tendai school in Shichijō, Higashiyama, Kyōto, that relate to the imperial prince Myōhōin-no-miya Shinnin (1768–1805), who formed a literary salon in the late Tokugawa period, and the collection of poems—Rokujō eisō—by Ozawa Roan (1723–1801), a central figure in Kamigata poetry circles.

This research was supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 17H02310.

Data related to Rokujō Eisō will be added at a later date.

Research Objectives

This project aims to provide a new perspective on the history of early modern literature by clarifying aspects of the creation and development of literature and art in the Kamigata literary circles in the middle and late Tokugawa period, focusing on various “places” and human interactions.

Based on Myōhōin Hinamiki, we have collected and visualized data on the interactions of people involved in the literature and arts of the imperial prince Myōhōin-no-miya Shinnin from 1776 to 1796. These data will show us the interactions among scholars and literary figures associated with Shinnin and the “place” where art and literature were produced.

Also, we focus on the people and “place” that appear in the poetry gatherings and poetry contests recorded in Rokujō Eisō. In addition to Shinnin, the “places” surrounding Ozawa Roan, who interacted with various literary figures and painters, are interwoven to reveal images of literary and artistic exchange and its creation.