




International Symposium: Showcasing the Japan Biographical Database

Place: In person (Sophia University: Bldg. 2, 4th Floor, Room 414) and on Zoom (for link see below)

Date: 9 November 2024

Time: 10:00 until 17:30 (Tokyo time)

Zoom Link:  Topic: Showcasing the Japan Biographical Database (JBDB) Time: 9 Nov. 2024 (opens 09:30 AM) Tokyo https://sophia-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/91601237353

Meeting ID: 916 0123 7353  Passcode: 070578


1. Yoshitaka Yamamoto (NIJL): Visualizing the Jūjun kagetsu Album (1827)

2. Jingyi Li (Occidental College): Networks of Profit in Nineteenth-Century Literati Network

3. Takahashi Yasuhiro (Tama University):  Rai Shunsui and Confucian Texts

4. Maki Nakai (Meiji University): The Origins and Development of Antiquarianism

5. Nadia Kanagawa (UCLA): Challenges and Opportunities in Exploring the Networks of Izumi Province in the Diary of Kujō Masamoto, 150­1–1502

6. Iris Haukamp (TUFS): Early Films and Creative Chaos: Establishing Links and Lineages in Japanese Cinema

7. Nakamura Satoru (Historiographical Institute The University of
Tokyo): Development of a Retrieval System Using NDLOCR for Print Images
of the Historiographical Institute The University of Tokyo

8. James Morris (Waseda University): Pre-Modern Christianity in Japan: The Limitations and Potentialities of Digital Methods

9. Marie Yasunaga (College of Japanese Language and Culture, Tsukuba
University/Independent Scholar, the Netherlands): Gender in Early Modern
Streets of Edo, Illuminated through Visual Annotation using IIIF

10. David Slater (Sophia University): Refugee Voices Japan

11. Anatole Bernet (Sciences Po Center for History, Paris): Academic
Kinship and Endogamy among Imperial Japan’s Health Specialists

12. Leo Born (Qwyga): On the Road: Biographical Itineraries in the JBDB

(The event will be recorded for later upload to the JBDB YouTube channel.)


  • 1 August 2024: Panel by the Antiquarian and Evidence-based Scholarship Project : “Alternative Channels of Knowledge Production, Transmission, and Circulation in Tokugawa Japan.”  The panel is sponsored by the Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture (Research Unit “Network Studies”).  The Thirteenth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 13) in Surabaya, Indonesia.
  • 10 July 2024: Chair of roundtable, Publishing for Global Asias: The Role of Academic Journals Today. AAS-in-Asia 2024 Conference, Yogyakarta.
  • 10 July 2024: Presentation in panel Premodern Global Asias: Continental Ideals and Domestic Applications in Tokugawa Japan. The panel is sponsored by the Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture (Research Unit “Network Studies”). AAS-in-Asia 2024 Conference, Yogyakarta.






Date: December 2-4, 2022

Day 1: 7:00 – 12:45

Day 2: 12:00 – 20:00

Day 3: 7:00 – 14:00

Place: Zoom




(チラシ, Youtube)

Date: November 11, 2022

Time: 9:00 – 11:00

Place: Youtube


研究会「異世界に魅せられる――江戸時代後期における海外の古物との邂逅」 2022年度-2024年度科学研究費助成事業 (基盤研究 (C) )「近世後期の好古・考証研究の源流と展開に関する学際的国際共同研究」研究会

Date: June 14, 2022

Time: 18:00 – 19:30

Place: Zoom





Bettina Gramlich-Oka: “Working With the Japan Biographical Database” (Zoom) at 「近世日本研究におけるデジタル・シフト」, December 3, 2022



Bettina Gramlich-Oka: 「前近代のネットワーク分析」(Youtube) at 第8回日本語の歴史的典籍国際研究集会, November 11, 2022